When it comes to energy drinks, admittedly I am a bit of a snob. I am very picky about the type of energy drinks I consume. My focus is to find the perfect blend of zero calories, no/low sodium, clean energy without the crash, and amazing flavors that are not too sweet.
You would think with the millions of energy drinks available I could find at a few favorites to quench my growing thirst to push me through the daily grind. What I typically find in energy drinks that taste good is a lot of sodium.
The mineral Sodium, moderated used, is crucial for muscle contraction as well as other things. Diets are typically overloaded with the mineral so I try to avoid it. The other issue with energy drinks is either a ton of sugar, which causes a huge crash.

Free Bucked Up Energy Drinks At The 2023 Bassmaster Classic
Historically, Celsius Energy has been my go to for that instant focus and boost of motivation. I’ve enjoyed it so much, I won’t typically venture beyond the confines of my comfortability with the drink. That was until the 2023 Bassmaster Classic & Expo.
Working events like these involve long hours. As a media correspondent, it’s a ton of interviews, videos, networking, product reviews and more. And that is just the Expo. The classic early morning launch, and evening weigh-ins make for a long day.
Unable to find my favorite caffeine beverage, Celcius, I ventured to find some beverage that would hold me over. Luckily, Bucked Up Energy had a booth at the Expo.
Does Bucked Up Energy Do What It Claims?
Yes, Bucked Up Energy lived up to the hype.
A little research and I found that Bucked Up energy is a supplement company that made an energy drink. I like this because I tend to believe a supplement company would consider its end user more than a drink manufacturer.
My Opinion: Bucked Up Energy is a great tasting energy drink. Zero fat, carbs, calories, sodium and sugar. I really enjoyed the jitter free sustained energy and focus from the beverage. I tried the Miami and Pink Lemonade flavors. Both were delicious and not overly sweet. The website briefly mentions a little about a feeling of euphoria. Perhaps it was the stimulation overload from the Classic. I have a passion for fishing and boating. Or maybe it was the exhaustion from the 18 hour days. Either way I didn’t notice much euphoria.
“a sense that everything’s right in the world.* Liquid euphoria might not be the perfect description, but ecstasy might give you the wrong idea.”
Why Does The Sugar In Energy Drinks Cause A Huge Crash?
When the body experiences an excess of sugar, it swiftly generates insulin to maintain stable glucose levels. This leads to a reduction in blood glucose, causing a sudden decline in energy levels, a phenomenon referred to as hypoglycemia or a sugar crash.
Once in the motivation dungeons of the sugar crash, often people will pop another sugar energy drink for a short spike of nervous energy followed by an even lower crash.
Disclaimer: I have not received any money, products, or items of value in exchange for my views on this product. My opinion is provided purely for informational purposes and should not be regarded as advice.